SPECIAL HOURS / MON 30TH 10 - 4, TUES 31ST 10 - 3 / CLOSED WED 1ST, THURS 2ND, FRI 3RD / SAT 4TH 9:30 - 5.

Opuntia Vulgaris

Opuntia Vulgaris

Regular price £44.00
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The Opuntia vulgaris requires little care and is pretty low-maintenance. The plant tolerates a wide range of climatic conditions, but thrives best in full sunlight and well-drained soil. Water supply should be moderate; once a week in the summer months and once a month in the winter months. Try to avoid situations with excessive water and humid conditions, as this can lead to root rot.

Height: 55cm
Width: 30cm
Pot size 17cm